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Thursday, December 31st, 2009When terminating a subcontractor make sure to write a “Notice to Cure,” and get permission from an officer of the company, and follow the contract requirements for notification. Only terminate for convenience if you have no claim against your trade contractor. If you do have a claim, then you must terminate for cause and use the “Notice to Cure” procedures. It may be better Talleta ja voita matka RioonUpea Euroopan-matka tarjollaKay katsomassa StonehengeaInternet casinot . to use the letter to cure and not terminate, but take the work over and back charge or reduce the sub's contract accordingly. But always write to the trade contractor weekly about your expenses and progress.
If you or the architect is going to cut the subcontractor's payment application submitted to the owner, you must inform the subcontractor immediately.